request-header tagged requests and articles

Categorized request examples and articles tagged with [request-header] keyword
How to send HTTP header with Curl request?
To send an HTTP header with a Curl request, you can use the -H command-line option and pass the header name and value in "Key: Value" format. If you do not provide a value for the header, this will remove the standard header that Curl would otherwise send. The number of HTTP headers is unlimited. You can add as many headers to the Curl request as you need. In this Curl header example, we send the X-Custom-Header and Content-Type request headers to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Run to execute the Curl Send Header Request online and see the results.

How do I send a request with Cookies?
To send an HTTP request with a Cookie{{ using LANG}}, you need to add the "Cookie: name=value" header to your request. To send multiple cookies in a single Cookie header, separate them with semicolons or add multiple "Cookie: name=value" request headers. In this {{LANG}} Cookies Request Example, we send cookies to the ReqBin echo URL. Click Send to execute {{LANG}} Cookies Request Example online and see the results.

How to send cookies to the server?
To send cookies to the server in the request header{{ using LANG}}, you need to add the "Cookie: name=value" HTTP header to the request. To send multiple cookies in one Cookie header, you must separate them with semicolons. Servers store cookies in the client browser by returning "Set-Cookie: name=value" HTTP headers in the response. In this {{LANG}} Send Cookies Example, we send cookies to the ReqBin echo URL in the HTTP request header. Click Send to execute {{LANG}} Send Cookies Example online and see the results.

How do I send GET Request with Custom Headers?
To send a GET request with custom HTTP headers, you must provide custom headers in the "Name: Value" format, just like the standard HTTP headers. The format, number, and length of custom headers are unlimited. Custom headers are usually in the X-name form, but this is not required, and you can use your own format when sending custom HTTP headers to the server. In this GET Request with Custom Headers Example, we send a GET request to the ReqBin echo URL with additional data in the custom header. Click Send to execute the GET Request with Custom Headers example online and see the results.

POST Requests Online
Post requests to the server and check server responses. Fully Online; no desktop app needed. Test Server endpoints by sending HTTP POST, GET, PUT, and HEAD requests directly from your browser. Create PHP, Python, Java, Curl, and JavaScript code snippets from your requests with one click. Share your HTTP requests online, showcase your work, or discuss with colleagues and friends.